Although Gnumeric and LibreOffice CALC spreadsheet softwares can solve linear programming problems, these do not include postoptimality or sensitivity reports. But not to worry.
The free standing LP program LPSOLVE can be used to solve linear programming problems and is capable of producting sensitity reports.
Let us illustrate how to use this software on a simple program.
Create a file, with the following contents:
max: 5000 X+ 3000 Y; C1: X + Y <= 8; C2: 2 X + Y <= 10;Note that LPSOLVE will do the automatic conversion of the above problem to a standard from internally, the user need not explicity rewrite the model to include slack, surplus or artificial variables. From the command line, issue lp_solve -S7 . This will tell the program to solve the lp problem specification and solve for the optimum values of the variables and to produce a complete report :
Model name: X Y Maximize 5000 3000 C1 1 1 <= 8 C2 2 1 <= 10 Type Real Real upbo Inf Inf lowbo 0 0 Scale factors: R0 scaled at 0.000237841 C1 scaled at 0.840896 C2 scaled at 0.594604 X scaled at 0.840896 Y scaled at 1.18921 Value of objective function: 28000 Actual values of the variables: X 2 Y 6 Actual values of the constraints: C1 8 C2 10 Objective function limits: From Till FromValue X 3000 6000 -1e+30 Y 2500 5000 -1e+30 Dual values with from - till limits: Dual value From Till C1 1000 5 10 C2 2000 8 16 X 0 -1e+30 1e+30 Y 0 -1e+30 1e+30 Tableau at iter 2: -3 -4 2 2.0000000 -1.4142136 5.0453785 1 -1.4142136 2.0000000 2.3784142 -0.2828427 -0.8000000 6.6595598The output contains the model formulation, scaling factors used, value of objective function(28000), value of the variables,X=2 ad Y=6 constraint values (value of slacks), and the final final tableu at termination If there were errors in the specification file, the software may not output the reusults. Thee flag -S7 gives the most detailed output. Here are other flag setttings:
-S0: Print nothing -S1: Only objective value -S2: Obj value+variables (default) -S3: Obj value+variables+constraints -S4: Obj value+variables+constraints+duals -S5: Obj value+variables+constraints+duals+lp model -S6: Obj value+variables+constraints+duals+lp model+scales -S7: Obj value+variables+constraints+duals+lp model+scales+lp tableauIt is beyond the scope of this article to explain or interpret the output values retuned by LPSOLVE. That might be explained in another artcle in our other blogs.