Saturday, July 17, 2010

Exploring NLOPT , Part 1

To our readers, the NLOPT software has actually a fairly complete Python reference in

I don't know why I missed that reference location and other documentation when I first visited the ab-initio site, hence this article is being severely revised.

The original article stressed the use of IPython to quickly explore what is available in the library.
If in doubt, refer to the reference and official documentation.

We will be back.


  1. I should point out that there is a complete Python reference manual for NLopt which describes all of the Python API functions, along with a Python tutorial; you don't have to guess from the function names, as you seem to be doing. (Of course, you are free to guess if that amuses you; but please don't give your readers the impression that this is necessary!)

  2. My mistake, just see now that it is in and it has been online since July 8?!

    Thanks you saved my time on wasteful explorations. I will have to revise this article.
