You can of course perform powerful statistical routines using Python, Rpy module and R. But greater joy is now coming to pure Python users with the Scikits.statsmodels package.
- Install the scikits.statsmodels module
Be sure that your versions of scipy and numpy are the latest or later than the following:
Python >= 2.5
NumPy >= 1.4.0
SciPy >= 0.7
You can install the latest versions by typing
sudo apt-get install python python-setuptools python-numpy python-scipy
Download the software scikits.statsmodels module
In a terminal type
wget -ct 0 Untar it,then descend to the directory.
tar -xvvf scikits.statsmodels-0.3.1.tar.gz
sudo python install
Test the installed module
Lets try this from ipython(Again, do a
sudo apt-get install ipython if it is not yet installed.
import scikits.statsmodels.api as sm
The following will be printed:
Help on module scikits.statsmodels.api in scikits.statsmodels: NAME scikits.statsmodels.api - Statistical models FILE /home/toto/testsoftware/scikits.statsmodels-0.3.1/scikits/statsmodels/ DESCRIPTION - standard `regression` models - `GLS` (generalized least squares regression) - `OLS` (ordinary least square regression) - `WLS` (weighted least square regression) - `GLASAR` (GLS with autoregressive errors model) - `GLM` (generalized linear models) - robust statistical models - `RLM` (robust linear models using M estimators) - `robust.norms` estimates - `robust.scale` estimates (MAD, Huber's proposal 2). - sandbox models - `mixed` effects models - `gam` (generalized additive model
What is available by importing sm? Type dir(sm) and the following functions or attibutes will be listed:
In [17]: dir(sm)
Additional resources
Home page of pystatsmodels: Subscribe to the Google group:
The regression example from the homepage
It is time to show what statsmodels can do. Here is a regression example from the home page:
import numpy as np
import scikits.statsmodels.api as sm
# get data
nsample = 100
x = np.linspace(0,10, 100)
X = sm.add_constant(np.column_stack((x, x**2)))
beta = np.array([1, 0.1, 10])
y =, beta) + np.random.normal(size=nsample)
# run the regression
results = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
# look at the results
print results.summary()
Here is the results by running the above published example:
Summary of Regression Results
| Dependent Variable: ['y']|
| Model: OLS|
| Method: Least Squares|
| Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012|
| Time: 17:58:02|
| # obs: 100.0|
| Df residuals: 97.0|
| Df model: 2.0|
| coefficient std. error t-statistic prob. |
| x1 1.060 0.1353 7.8344 0.0000 |
| x2 0.09398 0.01309 7.1802 0.0000 |
| const 9.848 0.2927 33.6490 0.0000 |
| Models stats Residual stats |
| R-squared: 0.9729 Durbin-Watson: 1.803 |
| Adjusted R-squared: 0.9724 Omnibus: 3.108 |
| F-statistic: 1742. Prob(Omnibus): 0.2114 |
| Prob (F-statistic): 9.776e-77 JB: 2.791 |
| Log likelihood: -139.9 Prob(JB): 0.2477 |
| AIC criterion: 285.8 Skew: -0.4176 |
| BIC criterion: 293.6 Kurtosis: 2.927 |
So far so good. We hope that the statsmodels module be more robust, easier to use and inspiring enough for Python users users to contribute code!
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