Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gretl -Gnu Regression, time series library

Gretl is an acronym for Gnu Regression,Econometrics and Time Series library.The home page is at,

It is a complete cross-platform(Windows, Mac OS and Unix-Linux) desktop program with its own gui interface, is written natively in the fast machine code compilable C programming language.
It is is free, open-source software, freely distributable under the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

We have not enough time to discuss Gretl in our Econometrics course in the second semester, 2010 as we used and focused more on the the bigger and more general, powerful R statistical data and visualization software. Gretl available data sets were useful for us, especially making available the data sets of Gujarati.

Hopefully we would be better prepared and Gretl might find more usage by
presenting more educationsl resources in this blog and
our continuing experimentation with this software.

Lets see its features from its well written documentation:

  1. Easy intuitive interface in various European, Turkish languages including English.
  2. A wide variety of estimators: ordinary least squares, ML(maximum likelihood), GMM; single-equation and simulaneous equations system methods
  3. Time series methods: ARMA, GARCH, VARs and VECMs, unit-root and cointegration tests, etc.
  4. Limited dependent variables: logit, probit, tobit, interval regression, models for count and duration data, etc.
  5. Output models as LaTeX files, in tabular or equation format
  6. Integrated scripting language: enter commands either via the gui or via script
  7. Command loop structure for Monte Carlo simulations and iterative estimation procedures
  8. GUI controller for fine-tuning Gnuplot graphs
  9. Interface to GNU R, GNU Octave and Ox for further data analysis

Here is a list of built-in functions in Gretl. We are sure that this list would be growing.

$ahat $aic $bic $chisq $coeff
$compan $datatype $df $dwpval $ess
$Fstat $gmmcrit $h $hausman $hqc
$jalpha $jbeta $jvbeta $lnl $ncoeff
$nobs $nvars $pd $pvalue $rho
$rsq $sample $sargan $sigma $stderr
$stopwatch $sysA $sysB $sysGamma $T
$t1 $t2 $test $trsq $uhat
$unit $vcv $version $windows $xlist

abs acos asin atan BFGSmax
bkfilt boxcox cdemean cdf cdiv
ceil cholesky cmult cnorm colnames
cols corr corrgm cos cov
critical cum det diag diff
dnorm dsort dummify eigengen eigensym
exp fdjac fft ffti filter
firstobs floor fracdiff gammafun genpois
getenv gini ginv hpfilt I
imaxc imaxr imhof iminc iminr
infnorm int inv invcdf invpd
islist isnull kfilter ksimul ksmooth
isseries isstring lags lastobs ldet
ldiff lincomb ljungbox lngamma log
log10 log2 lower lrvar makemask
max maxc maxr mcorr mcov
mcovg mean meanc meanr median
mexp min minc minr missing
misszero mlag mnormal mols movavg
mpols mread mshape msortby muniform
mwrite mxtab nelem nobs normal
nullspace obs obsnum ok onenorm
ones orthdev pdf pmax pmean
pmin pnobs polroots princomp psd
psdroot pvalue qform qnorm qrdecomp
quantile rank ranking randgen rcond
readfile replace resample round rows
sd sdc sdiff selifc selifr
seq sin sort sortby sqrt
sst strcmp strlen strncmp strstr
sum sumc sumr svd tan
toepsolv tolower tr transp trimr
uniform unvech upper urcpval values
var varname varnum vec vech
wmean wsd wvar xmax xmin
xpx zeromiss zeros

Gretl is available as an add-on package for the Ubuntu-Linux OS. You can instal it via synaptic or simply via apt-get:

apt-get install gretl

and all dependencies should be installed by the software package manager. In my 9.04 Karmic, It is installed in Applications/Other menu.

March 13: To be continued with examples!

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