Scilab is hosted at Scilab homepage. All documentation, sources, libraries may be found there for quick downloads.
Scilab has a gui-console. Here are some examples. Scilab might take some time to initialize when it is invoked from the command line or graphical shell. Here is what you may see:
If you are very new to Scilab, the easiest way to feel at ease is to let Scilab demonstrate to you what it can do. Click on ?/Scilab Demonstrations. Select introduction. And Scilab will give you a basic tutorial! Press ENTER key to continue.Here is a snapshot of a Scilab introduction session:
>>// SCILAB OBJECTS >>// SCILAB OBJECTS >>// 1. SCALARS >>a=1 //real constant a = 1. >>1==1 //boolean ans = T --> >>'string' //character string ans = string >> >>z=poly(0,'z') // polynomial with variable 'z' and with one root at zero z = z >> >>p=1+3*z+4.5*z^2 //polynomial p = 2 1 + 3z + 4.5z >>r=z/p //rational r = z ------------- 2 1 + 3z + 4.5z >>// 2. MATRICES >>A=[a+1 2 3 >> 0 0 atan(1) >> 5 9 -1] //3 x 3 constant matrix A = 2. 2. 3. 0. 0. 0.7853982 5. 9. - 1. >>b=[%t,%f] //1 x 2 boolean matrix b = T F >>Mc=['this','is'; >> 'a' ,'matrix'] //2 x 2 matrix of strings Mc = !this is ! ! ! !a matrix ! >>Mp=[p,1-z; >> 1,z*p] //2 x 2 polynomial matrix Mp = 2 1 + 3z + 4.5z 1 - z 2 3 1 z + 3z + 4.5z >>F=Mp/poly([1+%i 1-%i 1],'z') //rational matrix F = 2 1 + 3z + 4.5z - 1 --------------- --------- 2 3 2 - 2 + 4z - 3z + z 2 - 2z + z 2 3 1 z + 3z + 4.5z --------------- --------------- 2 3 2 3 - 2 + 4z - 3z + z - 2 + 4z - 3z + z >>Sp=sparse([1,2;4,5;3,10],[1,2,3]) //sparse matrix Sp = ( 4, 10) sparse matrix ( 1, 2) 1. ( 3, 10) 3. ( 4, 5) 2. >>Sp(1,10)==Sp(1,1) //boolean sparse matrix ans = ( 1, 1) sparse matrix ( 1, 1) T >>// 3. LISTS >>L=list(a,-(1:5), Mp,['this','is';'a','list']) //list L = L(1) 1. L(2) - 1. - 2. - 3. - 4. - 5. [Continue display? n (no) to stop, any other key to continue]
We encourage the reader to install scilab using your package installer in Linux. The version I have
is 5.2.1. Scilab is also available for MS Windows.
We will present some tools-libraries available in Scilab in the future. Stay tuned.
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