Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kalzium- a periodic table of elements viewer

Kalzium is a free software available for Linux systems for viewing properties of the elements and for exploring the periodic table. Properties of the elements can be viewed at a glance either individually or grouped. The information on isotopes are also included and wikipedia articles are referenced. Here is a snapshot.

Click on the image for a fuller view. Kalzium is a KDE application. You should install the Kalzium helpfiles (Kalzium handbook) so as to maximize benefits in using the program. Kalzium also include a free chemical equation balancer! Clever people. Kalzium can be obtained from if it is not available as a package for your OS. My version of Kalzium is at 2.2.98.

So dont feel bad using Linux in the scientific computing arena. You have lots of free softwares to help you and it is our job current and future to help you maximize the use of these powerful and FREE softwares.Stay tuned for more articles on Kalzium

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